Is it possible that..
the pure..fine heart..
would bring the person to Islam..
even with the slight of knowledge??
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘It showed me the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘O, heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation’
‘It showed me the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘O, heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation’
About 450 thousands of Muslims are in Sweden..
i.e. about 5% ot the total citizens of Sweden!
Islam is the second followed religion there, after Christianity.
‘I walk on the path of my Qur’an’
‘And see its kind dawn shines’
‘I recite it and memorize it and reflect upon it’
My name is Layla Pershon..
I am 62 years old.
I grew up at one of the northern Swedish villages..
I have an educational certificate..
Specialized to work with children with functunal disabilities
Layla, from Sweden.
She entered Islam at a difficult time..
And she was the first woman wearing Hijab at her region..
I grew up in a Christian family..
that was very religious..
especially my grandmother..
Families were used to visit each other..
And my grandmother was careful that we follow religion
She used to take us to Christian schools for kids..
to parks ..
She taught us to follow The Ten Commandments, from childhood..
And not to lie..not to be good persons..
Layla grew up in a religious Christian family..
So, she was close to Allah..
The first time you read Qur’an!!
When was that?
And what is the verse that influenced our sister Layla most?
I heard Qur’an on tapes before I enter Islam.. with Muslims .
I used to be with them so often..
Though I didn’t understand the language…
but I felt that it was clear for me..
I heard it frequently.. without understanding..
Because I was Christian from before..
And The Trinity is very important to Christians..
But I never believed that Jesus is the son of Allah…never..
When I came across the two verses at surat Al-Maidah#73 and 74..
I became convinced that those allegations are not true..
“In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.”
“” And there is no god except one God.”They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the third of three.””
” And there is no god except one God.”
“And if they do not desist from what they are saying,”
“there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. ”
“So will they not repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness?”
” And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
That made me relaxed..
Finally, I found a confirmation that Jesus is not the son of Allah
Praise to Allah.
‘It is a is a is guidance..’
‘Why can’t you get this grace..’
She searched for a long time..looking for what is right for her in this life..
She left the Church early in her life..
because she didn’t get answers
Then, she used to say.. the sky’s my Church..
because she didn’t know where to go to worship..
After I Found that Book…Qur’an..
my previous religious life became renewed!!
It wasn’t something difficult to accept..
that Allah has sent another Book..
But, what shaked me from inside..
That, finally we have the last Book..and the last prophet..
I was very happy for that..
A Muslim young man ..not older than 16 years old..
He could bring Islam to the heart of Layla
This is the Dawa way!
The crucial moment for me with Qur’an..came when
a Muslim young man from Eritrea…
called Ahmed..He invited me.. may Allah bless him
He introduced me to his place..he gave me dates..
He told me that.. even the Qitmeer..[ which is a very small soft membrane which covers the date-seed]
is mentioned in Qur’an!
And we cannot judge it!
Subhan Allah, that thing moved me very much..
So, I decided to be Muslim.
That verse has changed my life.. a lot
Till now..I cry when I think of it or read it.. Subhan Allah
‘When my inside became so thirsty’
‘When my tears turned bloody’
‘And I feared that path leading to Hell’
‘I sought the Qur’an’
This verse you are talking about is at Suraf Fatir..
Allah, Almighty says:
“He causes the night to enter the day, and He causes the day to enter the night ”
“and has subjected the sun and the moon”
“each running [its course] for a specified term.”
” That is Allah , your Lord;”
” That is Allah , your Lord; to Him belongs sovereignty.”
“And those whom you invoke other than Him do not possess [as much as] the membrane of a date seed.”
And those whom you invoke other than Him do not possess [as much as] Qitmeer
Qitmeer, means the cover of the date seed.
i.e. those whom you invoke other than Allah SWT..
They do not possess anything on earth or in sky..
Even this very small amount..
the membrane which covers the date-seed..
They don’t possess it!
‘O, whiff of the Qur’an, spread your scent’
‘The fragrance over my heart and my soul’
‘you are the cure for what hurts’
Sister Layla, The moment of saying Shahada is the best..
The moment of saying.. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
Sister Layla, The moment of saying Shahada is the best..
The moment of saying.. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
I said Shahada in front of two witnesses.. Two men from Somalia..
Then I wanted to announce it in public and declare my happiness with Islam..
So, I went to the masjid of Lond and met sheikh Ali..
I’m still in contact with him till now.. after 25 years!
He gathered people.. and I declaired my Islam in public too.
I bear witness..
that there is no..
but Allah..
And I bear witness..
is the Messenger of Allah
Ma’sha’Allah, Praise to the merciful
I ask Allah SWT for you and for us the steadiness on Deen
Our sister, Layla.
words cannot express my feelings..
It is great..
It is the best thing that happened to me.. in my life..
Yes, it is one word..
Our beloved..we are not exaggerating..
The Book of Allah SWT is a miracle..
When Allah SWT..
Commanded the prophet SAW to do Dawah..
He commanded him with Qur’an.
Allah SWT, says:
“[Say, O Muhammad], “I have only been commanded to worship the Lord of this city, who made it sacred ”
” and to whom [belongs] all things.”
“And I am commanded to be of the Muslims.. And to recite the Qur’an.|
“And whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] himself;”
“and whoever strays – say, “I am only [one] of the warners.””
I decided to make my social life, After 25 years.. like a Muslim.
That implied.. I have to do a total change..
I’ve got married to a Muslim.. Ma’sha’Allah.
And I’ve two children,Ma’sha’Allah.
I always said..if I didn’t find Islam in my life.. then I have to change it.
My mother and father were used to say to me that: are not like other girls..
Exactly.. Ma’sha’ you remember that too?
Of always said that..
So, when I ask them..Why do they do so and we don’t..?
She says: Yes we are not like them..we believe on Allah..and we are proud of that..
But, at Aid, we had a tradition in our family..something special
When we get up on the morning of Aid..we find the living room decorated completely..
We didn’t afford to get all what I wanted, but every thing..even small things were wrapped..
Like a eraser..a frame..all were wrapped with gifts paper..
The joy was in opening these gifts… and feeling that this is my Aid
Praise to Allah..
This is a pleasant touches my heart greatly..
To know that she is thinking this way..
I am very happy..
Sister Layla..
After you entered Islam..
What did you like most about Islam?
The feeling of fearing Allah.. you fear Whom you cannot see!
Islam is about your fear.. your morals..
you do.. without listening to someone warning you..
telling you that, this is right and this is wrong!
You just feel it here..
And when you are comfortable here.. then you have reached Islam.
Which is something between you and Allah only..nothing else
Subhan Allah.
This fear is marvelous..because you know that you are feeling it for a positive reason..praise to Allah
It is Jannah, by the will of Allah
‘Verses from the Qur’an’
‘Has an echo in my soul’
‘And tears downpour from the eyes in response to that call’
‘Oh Allah, keep me steadfast on the righteous path’
‘Because what I fear most’
‘is to have a bad ending tomorrow’
Layla entered Islam…
Long time ago..
No Muslim women were around her..
She was the only Muslim female at the region..
That was a difficult test for her!
If I talk to you about the problems I had because I entered Islam…
And because of wearing Hijab..
My talk would make a whole book..
But I can say.. every week of my life, I was exposed to aggression..on me personally..
All the outcomes were negative.. not positive..
Even my family.. my relatives.. and my friends..
They all denied me.. and left me..
But after Islam..this kind of Islamic Hijab..
The Islamic veil..
was it difficult to wear?
The difficulty comes from people..when they see you..
Their questions are hard..
they touch my Hijab and ask..What is this? It is beautiful..why is it like that?.. then, they pull it..and drag it..
They give themselves the right to touch me ..with no respect!!
At Summer, they say: It is very hot!! Don’t you feel the heat?
Then my old feelings comes defend my femininity and my psychological feelings..
I say to them..Hell is hotter..
Allah Akbar.. this is a great answer..
This woman, she is guided by Allah SWT, to Islam..
And she is saying a great thing.. a message to all Muslim women..
Once man made me very proud of just wearing Hijab..
He came to me and said..
Sister, when I see you at the market wearing your Hijab..
I feel very proud.. and I see you as a luminous beacon!
You sisters of Islam.. wearing Hijabs..are beacons
I’ll never forget his talk..never..Praise to Allah..
‘O, God of the universe..O, great Lord’
‘You give generously and from you we have the Noble Quran’
‘The heart recited lines of light..’
‘Hoping that He would forgive the big sin’
There is a great journey..
Every Muslim wishes to have!
Even if he is at the end of the land,, he wishes to have this journey!!
It is a command [Fard] each Muslim has to do it..
It is to Hajj.
Did you do Hajj?
Yes, I did Hajj at October-November, 2014..
With my daughter and her husband and my ex husband..
Because, my life has changed completely..
Because I had cancer ..and I was having treatment for three years..
And to go to Hajj, was my biggest dream..
I didn’t know if I will live life will end?
But , praise to Allah..I had a new chance to live..I did Hajj..and I’m very well now..
I am used to struggle.. it is not a problem for me..
I always wanted to please Allah, SWT.. and to act the way Allah likes..
the way his prophet Muhammad SAW, likes..
He is the wandering Qur’an ..on earth..
So, we need to take him as an example for us..
Praise to Allah.. I’ve learned patience..very much
My rule in raising my children is that..
your children follow the way you do..
So, I focused on showing them that I am a Muslim mother..
in every thing I say or do..the exact thing Allah commanded us to do..
We have a small gift for you..
So that you would remember us..
And to pray for us to have goodness..
This gift is from a group of girls..’ We have goodness in us’
They are from Jordan..
The like to give you this gift..
Thank you..
We shouldn’t read Qur’an..only to get rid of our problems..
But we should read it also.. to be thankful..
I want to stress upon one negative point..
It is that we read Qur’an to gain patience and power only..
But, we have to read Qur’an when we are happy in our lives too
And when our daily lives are stable..
‘I was far from it.. But when I came close..’
‘I was guided by it.. right away..’
‘You had known it.. for a long time.. from childhood..’
‘Why some people have dead hearts?’
‘My criticism, ummah of Qur’an.. is full of love’
‘because it is a sin to desert Qur’an’
‘Tomorrow, the prophet will blame us.. is that acceptable?’
‘Tomorrow, what are we going to say? what’s our excuse?’
‘My criticism, ummah of Qur’an.. is full of love’
‘because it is a sin to desert Qur’an’
‘Tomorrow, the prophet will blame us.. is that acceptable?’
‘Tomorrow, what are we going to say? what’s our excuse?’