in the name of Allah the most beneficent
the most merciful
when I first embraced Islam my first
Ramadan was very unique because seven
months after accepted Islam I had the
opportunity to go to Mecca for Hajj and
in looking at the territory in Mecca
I saw Mountain Hara which is the place
where the Quran was revealed in
understanding a bit about the Quran and
the power of the Quran how is revealed
for 23 years to know that there is a
month dedicated to this book and that
every single night this book is recited
in taraweeh as a congregation right as a
community and that you as an individual
should invest your time and read in the
Quran and reflect him so this is the
month of the Quran pretty much Ramadan I
tried my level best to read the whole
Quran and in hamdulillah having the zeal
of becoming a new Muslim I used to want
to read a juice a part of the Quran
every single day and so when Ramadan
came it was like that challenge that I
wanted to take on and then I realized
that there was so much going here and
there with eating you know with the
Muslims and invitations and I realized
that it wasn’t just sitting with the
book but also coexisting with Muslims
and my family who had recently embraced
Islam my wife and my father we were
going to a lot of different gatherings
meeting different people non-muslims
were coming to the mosque because food
was being served
so it became a month I was actually
pretty busy in the morning trying to do
a personal sort of struggling and
reading this book in the afternoon or
evening breaking the fast and eating and
being with the congregational prayer and
then the last 10 nights come in the
midst of prayer at night so you start
seeing all these different opportunities
and being a new Muslim you kind of want
to deal with everything and then you
realize that you’re limited and you know
in time and you’re limited in your
capacity and so trying to find that
balance to where at least you’ll make it
through our Ramadan
and not you know try to hit every little
angle but try to do you know what’s best
I had a lot of friends of mine that had
breast had embraced the Sun and they
gave me good advice and alhamdulillah I
think a lot of my family members asked a
lot of questions as to why we were
needing I was working professionally as
a marketing director and a company they
would ask why I was in eating and so it
is a month also where we can educate the
people who are in the environment and I
want to purify keishon you start feeling
a cleaner physically you start feeling
even stronger because you don’t have so
much that our body is processing that
holds us down on a daily basis when we
eat it’s like cleaning our body our mind
and spiritually connecting I mean it’s
it’s kind of renewing oneself and so the
the first Ramadan for myself was like
embracing Islam all over

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