‘If your hearts were pure..
you would never have enough from the words of your Lord’
I swear by Allah..
These are of the most beautiful words I ever heard about Qur’an.
It was said by the honorable Sahabi, Uthman Ibn Affan.
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘It showed me the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘O, heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation’
‘It showed me the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘O, heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation’
My name is Muhammad..
I’m 29 years old..
I became Muslim at 2006.. at Russia
I work in the industry of the black seed oil.. and every thing about the prophetic medicine
and healthy and natural nutrition..
Muhammad, from Armenia..
It was his destiny to see a translated copy of the Noble Qur’an..
He stopped at Surat Al-Asr.. for so many times..
He learned that..
All mankind are in loss except..
a group that have believed and done righteous deeds.
Brother Muhammad.. I want to know..
How were you before entering Islam?
My life before I became Muslim was a life of ignorance ..
It was without a purpose, not working for the hereafter life..
So, I didn’t ask myself.. Why did Allah create us?
I didn’t have that concept!
I wasn’t looking forward to do anything..
That was the case with so many people who didn’t enter Islam..
Brother Muhammad.. you are from Armenia..
Excuse me.. I don’t know much about Armenia.
I want to know.. how is life at Armenia?
Armenia is a country that has an ancient history..
Their religion is Christianity..
They are committed to this religion from the day they became Christians at 301 AD and they formed the first country of Armenia
The people are skilled.. and they love working..
As regards religion.. most of them are Christians..
Muslims are very few and they’re weak..
The republic of Armenia was a part of the soviet union..
It is in the middle between Asia and Europe.
The Muslim minority at Armenia have faced so many challenges..
because of the old confrontations between Crusader and Communism
Brother Muhammad.. how was the image of Islam for you?
befor you are Muslim.
Before I enter Islam, the picture that I had for Islam is of course mutilated
you know that I live in Russia..
And the media here makes a portrait of Islam that is very bad..
Also the relatives and family members.. all of them think bad about Islam!
It is presented in a wrong way, and in away you can’t understand..
They said to me that Islam is very difficult..
Here in Armenia..
I mean.. when someone enters Islam here in Armenia..
this is strange to happen.
Is this true..
Yes it is!
Because the Armenians are committed to Christianity, and they are raised to be Christians.. from childhood
that was due to the impact of the ottoman Empire by the Turks, they harbored enmity to Islam..
And anyone who enters Islam was considered an enemy to the people
Of course, that what made the life of the Muslim very difficult.
“It is We who relate to you, [O Muhammad], their story in truth.”
The companions of the cave..
The youth..
Qur’an immortalized their story..
And their Lord praised them.
And told their story to our Prophet Muhammad, SAW
What did they do, so that they are praised like that?
” Indeed, they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.”
It is enough that they differed from their people..
and believed in their Lord.
I learned that you were impressed by the Ruqyah..
And Ma’sha’Allah.. you are studying Medicine
What was the effect of Ruqyah on you? and what that has to do with Medicine ?
My first impression about Islam was when I was studying.. I was living in the student residence
At the residence there was a Muslim girl.. she was possessed by Jinn
I felt strange, I began to ask.. What is Jinn?
How he could enter her.. ? I didn’t know what the word Jinn means..?
Except for what we had been seeing on cartoon movies..
A Muslim man came and did her Ruqyah.. she was cured..
I was amazed more.. he just read and she is cured.. her condition was serious..
And when I began to read Qur’an.. personally I felt self tranquility..
I also found answers for questions that puzzled me..
‘O, God of the universe..O, great Lord’
‘You give generously and from you we have the Noble Qur’an’
‘The heart is reciting lines of light’
‘Hoping that this would wash clean the big sin’
At the university, there were Muslim students from the Caucasus..
They were different from one Another
I remember one of them.. he was polite not like the others..
I felt that’s strange.. why he is different? later on, I learned that he is committed to religion..
After I entered Islam..
I knew that every Muslim must be like that..
nice and polite with others..
you took Mus’haf from your Muslim friend.. at university..
who was studying Medicine with you..
When you opened the Mus’haf.. What did you read?
What are the verses that influenced the heart of my brother Muhammad?
The first time I read the translated Mus’haf..
I stopped at the verse:
Allah, SWT says:
“Say, “It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.””
This Ayah affected me very much..
Because, Allah, SWT gives people all of these grace and they are not grateful..
Then I thought .. why I’m not thanking Allah?
Why I’m not doing so for my creator.. ?
He provides me.. and He wants me to thank Him.
‘With the Book of Allah, I was guided to light’
‘I had a past which I regret..I left it behind me’
Subhan Allah.. It is amazing.. the guidance by Quran!
At this verse Allah, SWT says:
“Say, “It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts..””
Brother Muhammad was affected by the part of the Ayah..when Allah,SWT said:” little are you grateful.””
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘By the merciful guidance of my Lord’
‘The beauty covers the spring of my heart’
‘And turns my feelings and my path green’
‘Even my features, all that is because of the guidance’
Allah, SWT..
provided us with the hearing, vision and hearts
So that we can reach Him..
How can you deny the existence of Allah, SWT
Brother Muhammad.. I want to know about the moment of saying Shahada..
Tell me everything about the event..
I became Muslim on Friday..
I went to the city on Friday..at Salat time..there they announce that I will say may Shahada after Salat.
But after the Juma Salat.. they called.. and someone else came.. he said Shahada.. and then everybody left..
Everyone left and they forgot about me.. but one brother.. he knew that I want to be Muslim..
So, he witnessed my Islam with some others..
That’s how I entered Islam.. and immediately after that.. I started to pray..
And then trials and ordeals began
The minute of entering Islam.. tell me about your feelings.. exactly.. brother Muhammad.
Alhamdulillah.. I was like a newborn baby.. coming out of obstetric hospital.. I felt very relieved
After saying Shahada, as I know that the person starts a new life with clean pages.. all his sins are forgiven..
‘I lived with the habit of doing mistakes routinely’
‘But I never found happiness at Dunya’
‘Till finally I discovered the worship’
‘How relieved I became when I am on the right path’
Muhammad has memorized some Suras before he entered Islam..
They were like indications that he is going to enter Islam.
After I became Muslim.. my parents reacted differently..
At the beginning, they stayed away from me.. they didn’t understand somethings..
and by time, everything has changed..
That when they saw the real Islam in my actions.. and that it is the only true religion
And there is nothing wrong with it..
And it is a continuation to what Jesus [PBUH] was teaching from before..
Your life before Islam..
And your life after Islam
What is the difference, brother Muhammad?
Alhamdulillah, After entering Islam, you learn how to live right..
Allah, SWT, when he created us.. he gave us a manual to use in life.. it is the Qur’an
For example.. if you don’t know how to use the computer.. you can learn from the manual book
So, Qur’an is the divine Book from Allah, it is the manual for Muslims and for Non-Muslims
With it.. life is easy and happy.. Alhamdulillah
If someone bought a precious instrument
He is supposed to follow the instructions of the manufacturer of it..
and for Allah, SWT is the highest attribute.
“And this [Qur’an] is a Book We have revealed [which is] blessed, so follow it and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.”
‘My Qur’anIt, It is my paradise, it is a miracle for the universe’
‘My Qur’an’
‘My Qur’an, It is my evidence when I come to the Merciful’
Ma’sha’Allah, brother Muhammad.. I only see good manners on you..
kindness and nice attitude..
Is that the effect of Islam on you..?
Of course, my attitude has changed, after I entered Islam..
Because Islam teaches manners..
This is what the messenger Muhammad, SAW, told us and taught us.. it’s all in Qur’an and Sunnah
I was nice with people before Islam.. but Alhamdulillah, I’m better now after I became Muslim
In addition.. we do not do these things just for the sake of morality.. we do like that to be rewarded from Allah, SWT
Islam is the only religion which is going to be pure till the Resurrection day..
It has many positive issues.. e.g. issues that involve family society and religion..
I liked all of that.. I’m not able to describe my feeling.. it is something you can only sense it.
Only the one who enters Islam would know the difference between before and after..
‘ The first time my eyes saw it..’
‘I was reciting it.. It touched me..’
‘As if it’s lines were of dawn ..and of fragrance..’
‘And life was there..between the pages..’
How did your interest about the prophetic Medicine begin?
The Black seed oil is widely present in Russia, that was the start of my interest in prophetic Medicine..
Then I began to learn Hijama and I tried it on myself.. and I compared it with traditional Medicine..
I found that it is more effective compared to surgical and preventive procedures.. Hijama have very good results..
Muhammad is practicing the Prophetic Medicine after qualifying by studying it..
And he followed the correct Hadiths of the prophet, SAW
Ma’sha’Allah , brother Muhammad, what do you do in this lab..?
Her I practice the Prophetic Medicine.. here I prepare the oil of the black seed..
I extract the oil from the black seed..
The prophet, SAW said that the black seed has a cure for all illnesses except death..
Alhamdulillah, I’ve been extracting the black seed oil before and after I became Muslim..
I’m trying my best to get a good quality of the oil so that Muslims would benefit from it
The Hadith in Bukhari.. the prophet SAW said:
‘the black seed has a cure for all illnesses except [Al-Sam] death’
I want to know.. what do you have here..?
What is this for?
This is the oil of Costus.. in Hadith it is said that it is useful to treat Chest diseases..
And as the prophet explained it.. for the throat for kids..
The main products that I prepare are the black seed oil, costus oil, Oregano oil, coconut oil and others..
By the will of Allah, my plans are to have more varieties of products..and to introduce the capsular form and other forms to the products..
And what is this one, Muhammad?
This is the Ethiopian Black seed oil.. and as I said, the prophet, SAW said that it has a cure for many illnesses..
For using it, take a small spoon full, half an hour before meals.. and it is better to take it with honey twice per day.. for conservative treatment
For children, we give less amounts.. also it can be used externally on skin etc.
Brother Muhammad, I’m very proud of you..
Before coming to your lab, I wasn’t expecting to see all of this.. very valuable and talented work.. Ma’sha’Allah
in the Prophetic Medicine
And at the end of our episode..
and due to your interest in this field of Prophetic Medicine..
Me and your brothers at Noon website of recitations, want to delegate a Dawah mission to you..
to initiate a website at the internet ,a site that takes care of this knowledge..
and to spread this Prophetic medicine
especially in Russian language..
Do you accept..? Yes.
May Allah bless you, and Jazak Allah Khyran..
May Allah gives you success till the end.. Ameen.
‘I was far from it.. But when I came close..’
‘I was guided by it.. right away..’
‘You have known it.. for a long time.. from childhood..’
‘Why some people have dead hearts?’
‘My criticism, ummah of Qur’an.. is full of love’
‘because it is a sin to desert Qur’an’
‘Tomorrow, the prophet will blame us.. is that acceptable?’
‘Tomorrow, what are we going to say? what’s our excuse?’
‘My criticism, ummah of Qur’an.. is full of love’
‘because it is a sin to desert Qur’an’
‘Tomorrow, the prophet will blame us.. is that acceptable?’
‘Tomorrow, what are we going to say? what’s our excuse?’