Oh Allah, keep them steadfast on the path of Eman
And grant them the highest ranks in Paradise
Just as you gifted them the guidance of the Qur’an
Guided…. through the Qur’an
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘It is the light of the body and the heart’
‘I declare submission to Allah’
‘His verses are becoming lightening candles’
‘And the brightness overflows from my heart’
‘It is the light of the body and the heart’
‘I declare submission to Allah’
‘His verses are becoming lightening candles’
‘And the brightness overflows from my heart’
He became Muslim 5 years ago, after researching the scientific facts in Quran
And the accurate evidences that Allah SWT has put in it
How was your life before Islam?
Andrew used to live in a very racist city
Only white people lived there, and they used to hate black people and Muslims
Later, he moved to another city called Slough
There, his way of thinking, and views on life changed
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘It is the light of the body and the heart’
Andrew met a new friend, Amr, in the city of Slough
He is a British Muslim of Pakistani roots
Amr told Andrew about how the prophet, peace be upon him, used to predict future events
And he gifted him a book about Islam called, the Islam Guide
He’s referring to verses 12-14 of the chapter of Muminoon
Almighty said,
“And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay”
Followed by a detailed description
But what does the word “Alaq” mean?
It’s natural for any one who invents/discovers something or designs a new thing
It’s natural to publicize it as his/her work
But despite the numerous scientific hints in the Quran
The prophet may peace be upon him used to say
That all these facts and information are from Allah SWT
And Allah SWT addressed the prophet, may peace be upon him, saying:
“Say, ‘I hold not for myself [the power of] benefit or harm, except what Allah has willed.'”
“And if I knew the unseen, I could have acquired much wealth, and no harm would have touched me”
“I am not except a warner and a bringer of good tidings to a people who believe.”
How could anyone then say that Qur’an is Muhammad’s words?
‘The path seemed filled with thorns’
‘Until it was quenched with the morning moist’
‘So did the heart that pleased You’
‘..oh Allah, when it absorbed Your guidance’
‘..oh Allah, when it absorbed Your guidance’
‘Verses from the Qur’an’
‘Has an echo in my soul’
‘And tears downpour from the eyes with response to that call’
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
After researching though these verses and evidences, Andrew’s heart accepted Islam
But he was still hesitant to take that step
But one day…!
‘My Qur’an, it is my Jannah’
‘It is the sign of the universe…My Qur’an’
‘My Qur’an is my evidence when I go to the Merciful’
‘By the merciful guidance of my Lord’
‘The beauty covers the spring of my heart’
‘And turns my feelings and my path green’
‘Even how I look, all that is because of the guidance’
Andrew’s mother had a very bad experience with their father whom she divorced
As his father became extremist, proclaiming himself as Christian
Unfortunately, the Muslim youth at Andrew’s local masjid
They were not very informed about their faith
So they told Andrew that in order to become Muslim, he had to wear some so-called “Islamic garment”
When he told me, I thought they meant a Thoub, Qahtiyah, or Ghutrah.
But still, that was plain ignorance!
Every society has its dress style, and customs
There is no “Islamic” clothes
But Andrew didn’t know. So he visited his family wearing that clothes
Andrew loved Qur’an
He reads it on a daily bases
And he is now learning Arabic, so he could better understand and reflect on the Quran
“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”
I am personally humbled hearing this thoughtful reflection from Andrew
For a simple meaning, yet it could skip my mind and yours
Farouq took a responsibility into inviting people to Islam
He did that through media production and TV shows
And in weekends, he goes to Hyde park to invite people there
In 5 years, he helped 10 people become Muslim
And…subhanAllah! While you’d find of us people who are 60-70 years in Islam
Maybe they didn’t even help guide their fellow Muslims
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
nquran.com a website that is specialized in Qur’an
They will support you to achieve this goal by Allah’s will
I pray to Allah to make your wish come true!
‘I walk on the path of my Qur’an’
‘And see its kind dawn shines’
‘I recite it and memorise it and reflect upon it’
‘I walk on the path of my Qur’an’
‘The spring and the joy of my days’
‘My friend, the one who knows my dreams’
‘The cure for my sorrow and my complains’
‘It heals my bleeding wound’
‘The spring and the joy of my days’
‘My friend, the one who knows my dreams’
‘The cure for my sorrow and my complains’
‘It heals my bleeding wound’
‘Then when I repent and come back’
‘To the path of the words of the Lord of the Bait’
‘I find the grace and the comfort’
‘I was guided through the Qur’an’
‘I was guided through the Qur’an’

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