Guidance and help is from Allah,
and perversity is from me and from the Shaytan
And what I see small, Allah, Almighty, sees it big!
This means that I was guided because of Allah
Not because of my inteligance
I lived this part because I had cancer for few years
It was the best thing to happen to me
If you want to depend on anyone, depend on
the one who has your destination on his hand
Oh Allah, keep them steadfast on the path of Eman
And grant them the highest ranks in Paradise
Just as you gifted them the guidance of the Qur’an
Guided…. through the Qur’an
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘It is the light of the body and the heart’
‘I declare submission to Allah’
‘His verses are becoming lightening candles’
‘And the brightness overflows from my heart’
‘It is the light of the body and the heart’
‘I declare submission to Allah’
‘His verses are becoming lightening candles’
‘And the brightness overflows from my heart’
One verse, changed the life of a person
Took him out from darkness into day light
I was amazed and all my colleagues with me
And I know that you will be too
Is it possible that some one would accept Islam,
impressed by the verse “And kill them wherever you overtake them”?
This is the miracle of the Qur’an
I will cut this short, you will know the story later..
This school next to me
To this school, this intelligent Belgian man came,
He is very intelligent
He came here to ask about Islam,
And now he is the principal of this school
Let’s listen to this beautiful story!
Gregory Manual Rames
His name after becoming Muslim, is Belal
He was a devoted Christian
He used to love Logic,
research work and reading
His relation with Islam started when he was at high school, at the history class!
I was at the last year, at high school
The history teacher was a kind person
He was scientifically fair
The subject was the Middle east.We were studying that
from the economical and historical aspects
Then we discussed the believes, which was Islam
At this stage he started to teach differently!
He mentioned a small part of the verse number 191
from surat Al-baqara, which says:
“And kill them wherever you overtake them”?
And then he us about our opinion on it!
And because there was no Muslims at this school,
every one started to curse Moroccans and Arabs badly
And I was surprised, why he would let them do so?
Then he asked them to be quite, saying we are
talking about religion, not about countries
And as we know, Indonesia has
the highest number of Muslims
So you should have sworn upon Asians,
This is not Logic!
Then he gave the scientific
facts and its approach to the text,
In spite of his being a religious person
and explained what is before and what is after the text
and the the story behind this text
At that time I became attentive
After class, Belal went to the play yard with all other students!
But he still has the words of his teacher ringing in his ears!
Later, Belal went home and started his search about Islam without outside influences
How long did it take you?
From the time of having this Ayah till you became Muslim?
How long?
It was a year and half of reading, searching and learning!
Then I made up my decision and said the shahada
I decided to be Muslim!
When I embraced Islam,
I was told by so many people to say shahada
You may say, I said it several times in different places
But the place which I remember most,
was at the school where I was a student, so as to be a teacher
A teacher in catholic religion
I remember that,
because there were a group of Muslim teachers
And they said I should say it in-front of them!
I think that was the first time I say it
When you said the shahada, sheikh Belal,
What was your feeling?…your heart… and where?
It was peace!
I felt as if a heavy weight is down from my shoulders!
There is something which draw my attention
That the verse which he embraced Islam after, the one in surat Al-Baqara
“And kill them wherever you overtake them”?
Glory to Allah!
yet after he became a Muslim, he felt peace!
‘This is indeed the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘Oh heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation!’
‘This is indeed the most beautiful and precious path’
‘And it’s the intercessor, it is the companion’
‘Oh heedless, won’t you wake up’
‘And see the way for happiness and salvation!’
Allah, SWT says:
“And kill them wherever you overtake them”
This great verse,
talks about the battle situations in Islam!
And Islam is precious
Otherwise, Islam is a peaceful religion
And the verses after this verse explain
Allah SWT says:
“But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.”
This is the true Islam
A religion of peace, but so many people do not know that!
We pass by the verses,
But Belal, is always alert
Guidance and help is from Allah
and perversity is from Shaytan
And what I see small, Allah, Almighty sees it big
This means that I was guided because of Allah,
not because of my intelligence
This is the first thing,
When the Islam deals with issues I knew about…
from before, as I was a practicing Christian
And I used to help Christians
here in Belgium and Europe very much
The Islam talks about the messages of
Ibrahim, Adam, Moses, Noah and Jesus…Which is nice
At a time when people did not know all of that
This is impossible!!
So, I became curious to know more
It is not logic that what Adam, Ibrahim, Noah and Issa
teaches all are wrong, It is impossible
‘The darkness overwhelmed my heart’
‘So that it turned curl’
‘I don’t know what is the light anymore’
‘Except with the Qur’an’
Now we are at the Masjid of The Muslim World League, in Belgium
At Brussels, the capital
You had a story, sheikh Belal, in this masjid!…when you were getting into Islam
Exactly, I did my first prayer here!
And here I kept on having my courses for 4 to 5 years
So, this place is dear to me, I had memories related to it
If I am allowed to say something to a Non-Muslim person
I would tell him that Islam is simple religion,
It is practical and very beneficial
The Islam gives a meaning to our life
it shows us how to live, and how to have a better life
It tells us that, it is not important how long
our journey by plane takes!
But the arrival is!
Where do you want to go?
Do you want to go to a beautiful place?
Or do you want to go to a place which is hard a little bit?
The answer is simple!
Our life is the time we spend inside the airplane
And the arrival is to our death!
You don’t know what is going to happen after death?
It is the start of our destiny
Allah created us to worship Him
And if you think a little bit, and want to know..
Open the Qur’an and read it, in your own language
And then you will get the effect on you,
And Allah knows the best.
‘Verses from the Qur’an’
‘Has an echo in my soul’
‘And tears downpour from the eyes with response to that call’
‘Oh Allah, keep me adherent on the righteous path’
‘Oh Allah, keep me adherent on the righteous path’
‘because what I fear most’
‘ is the to have a bad ending tomorrow’
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘Guided through the Qur’an’
‘Living it is the sweetness of life’
‘Longing to the Lord, coming to Him’
‘To Him I submit my soul’
‘The path seemed filled with thorns’
‘Until it was quenched with the morning moist’
‘So did the heart pleased You’
‘..oh Allah, when it absorbed Your guidance’
Now, my life became simple
At day time, I work at the school, I am the principal.
At weekends I go to the university
I do my best in teaching,
to help the Muslims at Belgium
After he became Muslim
Allah SWT, tested him by making him suffer cancer disease
May Allah protect us all
How did he deal with this testing?
He faced it by reflecting upon the Qur’an!
So, Allah gave him patience and strength!
I am very impressed by surat Al-Baqara
especially the end of the surah
where Allah says:”Allah does not charge a soul..”
“…except [with that within] its capacity.”
I lived that part, when I had cancer, for few years
I was Muslim at that time and learning about Islam
when I had that disease
It was the best thing that happened to me
For me, it was a sign of acceptance from Allah, his love!
I learned one thing from this verse
Difficulties might be every where,
but my capacity, my ability,
which is given to me from Allah,
would help me to conquer them, even if they were huge
The harder the situation,
It is a sign of love
I know that Allah told me in surat Al-Baqara,
that I am able to overcome this
because He doesn’t put upon us more than our capacity!
So, whatever happens, I am relaxed
The one who suffered much,
was my wife,
she took care of me while I was having the treatment
I wasn’t able to stand
Allah gave me the patience and the strength…
for us it was an enormous test!
But when we think and reflect upon life,
We understand what does it mean….life?
So, what is it?
‘Oh whiff of the Qur’an, spread your scent’
‘The fragrance over my heart and my soul’
‘you are the cure for what hurts’
‘If not for the guidance, I wouldn’t had enough,
Some of us might say
That Allah,SWT, has put this illness upon him
and you say it is a bless!
Where is this bless here?
When Belal was with his friends,
they said to him: you became Muslim, then Allah curses you with this disease!
Is this how Allah loves you, as you say?
Listen to his answer!
I gave them an example
If you were told that
‘ A mother had broken the arm of her baby’
What are you going to say?
She is a bad mother..she is not good..
Now I tell you, that her child was crossing the street
and a car was coming fast
She saw the car and pulled her child back!
now I will rephrase the sentence.
‘A mother had broken the arm of her baby’
what is your response now?
She is a good mother!!
The same thing here!
We are children,
we can’t see the coming car,
or what is going to happen
But Allah, Almighty, knows what is going to happen
and what is best for us
Here, we must be confident on Allah
what ever happens!
And think that it is for our best!
How blessed is the believer, it’s all for his best
If it is good, he is grateful, and if it is bad, he is patient!!
After I had cancer,
I was able to recognize my true friends
The good ones and the bad ones
Also, Allah purified my heart and my soul
And made me humble!
And He took me away from the bad company
And this is for me a purification
Anyone who entered Islam, was having problem telling his family about it
And may be they reject him
Did that happen to you?
Of course, yes!
My grand mother is the one who raised me
because I didn’t know my parents
My mother died and my grandmother raised me
She was strict about the rules of the Church
and praise to Allah, she showed me the way to Allah
At the beginning, she considered me a traitor
because I became Muslim
But now, she is the most accepting person for me,
among my whole family
She raised 5 children and I was the 6th one
And I was the most caring for her
That’s why she accepted me at her place
Also she accepted my wife with her hijab,
and my children…and the Halal meat…No problem!
It is a mercy from Allah.SWT, upon us
to be able to repent and go back to Him easily
This is a great blessing which is not noticed by so many people!
What is beautiful about Islam,
and the thing which made me embrace it, is that,
A person might do the deeds of the people of hellfire,
till he is at one arm length close to it,
then he does that of the people of the paradise,
he enters the paradise
This means that, it is never too late!
There is a verse…It says:
I forgot the sura,
“Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed…'”
“…against themselves [by sinning],”
“do not despair of the mercy of Allah ”
Never lose hope, every day is a new day
This is a great message
from Belal,
From his heart!
to all Muslims
If you repent, the door is open, under one condition
There is no deity worthy of worship except for Allah
under one condition,
Understand that sentence
under one condition,
accept that sentence
under one condition,
And do your capacity
If I can do a small thing, I do it!
And if I can do big things, I do them!
It is never too late!
Allah, Almighty, will never let you alone!
If you are to ask…..
ask the one who can help you
ask the one who has your destiny upon his hand
Ask…ask him!
‘Oh Allah, keep me adherent on the righteous path’
‘ because what I fear most’
‘ is the to have a bad ending tomorrow’
At the end of each episode,
And after each meeting!
With those who were guided by Allah and became Muslims
we fulfill his wish as regards charity and good work
at the end
The project which I look forward to do
in the three Islamic schools which we have,
‘Al-Ghzali’, ‘Al-Kalam’ and ‘Al-Fadila’
Is to teach the Qur’an
to the students and the teachers
So as to understand the Qur’an
And live with the Qur’an
And learn the importance and the value of the Qur’an
and it becomes the light of their lives
and they can apply it practically
And they put it here….and here….and here…
The web site,
are supporting this project, by the will of Allah
and it will come true by the will of Allah Almighty
‘I walk on the path of my Qur’an’
‘And see its kind dawn shines’
‘I recite it and memorise it and reflect upon it’
‘I walk on the path of my Qur’an’
‘The spring and the joy of my days’
‘My friend, the one who knows my dreams’
‘The cure for my sorrow and my complains’
‘It heals my bleeding wound’
‘The spring and the joy of my days’
‘My friend, the one who knows my dreams’
‘The cure for my sorrow and my complains’
‘It heals my bleeding wound’
‘Then when I repent and come back’
‘To the path of the words of the Lord of the Bait’
‘I find the grace and the comfort’
‘I was guided through the Qur’an’
‘I was guided through the Qur’an’

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