To escape the tight darkness into light..
To be reborn again.. and the past is forgiven..
The moment of feeling with Allah..
putting guidance inside your heart..
This can’t be perceived by any description of feelings..
O Allah,
I called upon you.. I strived..
I asked for your guidance.. and you have guided me..
With Qur’an I was able to step up..
O Allah..
My name is Rebecca..
Rebecca is my sign Name
I was born at Bangladesh
When I was child..
about three years old, I moved to America
Sister Rebecca, for how long you were deaf?
I was born deaf
Later, my mother told me..
She was trying to talk with me..
I was three years old.. and she couldn’t talk with me.. she felt that there is something wrong
She became concerned and was worried about me..
At ten years old.. my father was looking for a school for me..
He also wanted to know.. what was the problem with his daughter..?
The Doctors told him that, there is no hope.. she is completely deaf
There is no hearing.. he doesn’t hear at all..
and she won’t hear again..
My father and my mother were very shocked to hear that..
They believed that this was a test.
So, her parents dealt with this trial.. with patience..
and they sent her to school..
and there..
she learned the sign language..
and she was very happy to know that she could learn that..
Later, she married a young man who could hear and speak..
My husband..
he doesn’t know the sign language in English..
only a little bit..
I always use the sign language.. sometimes I speak with him..
we speak.. we communicate with both ways..
Because I studied to talk with my mouth at school..
So, I know how to communicate with speech
In Spite of her being away from Islam and its teachings..
She was shocked to see many deaf people convert to Christianity..
So, she decided to hold on religion..
and to do Dawah for Islam
Seven of my friends.. they are from Muslim families.. they are Muslims..
But, they were depressed because they couldn’t communicate even with their families..
So, they went to the Church..
to have spiritual satisfaction.. because they have interpreters there..
Even if it is from the wrong faith.. but they have interpreters there..
So, they left their religion.. Islam .. and left..
I was trying to bring them back and pull them..
and to invite them to Islam again and to teach them..
I felt that I don’t want them to lose their faith..
That was very important.. because they were Muslims.
Tell me sister, how many deaf persons, here in the United States who speak the sign language?
Seven Millions.. world wide..
and three millions deaf persons in the United States..
Our problem is that we don’t have interpreters for the deaf people..
No interpreters for the deaf people in the Masjids
This makes me disappointed..
Every Masjid must have an interpreter for the deaf people..
So, they can call him to interpret for us..
then we can learn what others are learning..
We follow the Imam.. but we don’t hear him.. so we feel the true deafness..
We imitate the movements.. all what others do.. we follow them..but we hear nothing.
She was very eager to do Dawah..
Especially for Non-Muslims among deaf and dumb people..
She has established an organization..
to teach them Islam..
MashAllah, Blessed by the merciful..
Who is working with you in this organization?
My friend..
We work together.. her name is Sandra..
She talks with me in sign language.. she knows the sign language..
She teaches me.. she helps the deaf people very much
The objectves of the International Services for the Deaf And Hard of Hearing.
What I want to do is..
I want to invite all people to join us..
and to learn about Islam..
The reason is that..
so many deaf people..
are not happy..
I called upon you.. I strived..
I asked for your guidance.. and you have guided me..
With Qur’an I was able to step up..
O Allah..
With the simple efforts of Rebecca.. alone
And through discussions over the internet..
and after visiting of some deaf people who showed interests..
He Dawah has succeeded with amazing results
Seven persons have entered Islam..
till now
Now, I am in contact with two persons in Canada..
I feel that, most probably they..
will embrace Islam.. and I will invite them here..
to say the Shahada.. they will come for saying Shahada..
Nine persons came to Islam by her efforts..
she doesn’t hear nor talk..
What is my excuse..? what is yours..?
What did we give to Islam?
Sister, Rebecca.. how could you convince others about Islam?
When I use the sign language..
It is very strong.. very effective..
Seeing it.. people get very impressed by seeing emotions..
It influences them..
Their eyes focus on the movements of my hands and on my face..
on its expressions.. they get excited.. they feel it..
they feel warmth inside their bodies..
when they see the expressions of my face..
and they feel goosebumps rise on their bodies
What are the verses of Qur’an that influenced you most?
The first one to influence me was Surat Al-Fatiha
It was really important for me..
The reason is that..
when I teach it to the deaf people who speak the sign language.. every where..
It makes them express themselves.. they feel goosebumps.. they submit..
I asked her to explain Surat Al-Fatiha for us with the sign language..
And by this Surah, she opens the hearts of people to Islam..
In the name of Allah ,
praise is due to Allah..
Lord of the worlds
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
It is You..
we worship..
and You we ask for help
Guide us to the straight path..
The path of those..
upon whom You have bestowed favor,
not of those..
who have evoked [Your] anger..
or of those who are astray.
So, when I show them like that.. they start crying..
and they have goosebumps on their bodies.. and their faces..
They feel inspired and motivated..
They never felt like that before..
They ask me to help them..
“The Most Merciful”
“Taught the Qur’an,”
“Created man,”
“[And] taught him eloquence.”
I didn’t here any of what you said.. my hearing is zero
We live in a great blessing..
I has a point by reading the Qur’an for her..
I asked what did you feel??
she said: I only see the expressions of your face..
but I don’t hear a thing!
And she wishes that..
she could only hear the words of Allah, Almighty
Can you recite anything from Qur’an?
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
“Say, “He is Allah , [who is] One,”
“Allah , the Eternal Refuge.”
“He neither begets nor is born,”
“Nor is there to Him any equivalent.””
“In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.”
“Say, “He is Allah , [who is] One,”
“Allah , the Eternal Refuge”
“He neither begets nor is born,”
“Nor is there to Him any equivalent.”
“Nor is there to Him any equivalent.”
The person who doesn’t hear.. he can’t talk..
because he can’t hear the letters..
he can’t hear the speech or any other thing..
In Spite of that.. She did an effort..
to learn the letters..
and the words..
from others..
At least, to read one Surah from Qur’an..
It was very difficult for me to go along with this interview.. from the first minute I saw her..
you would feel embarrassed..
All of us are ought to feel embarrassed..
The prophet,SAW said: tell on my behalf.. even one verse..
And we have plenty of blessings.. we can hear.. we can talk.. and we can see..
And she doesn’t hear nor talk.. and she brought nine persons to to Islam
and now.. she is trying to recite.. she says.. I can’t..
But still she reads.. I seek refuge with Allah from accursed Satan
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
And we have Mushafs in front of us..
and we neglect the Qur’an and the guidance of the Qur’an..
and all our life with Qur’an
By Allah, I can’t finish this episode..
We are embarrassed..
Really, I don’t now what to say..!!
‘By the Book of Allah.. my heart started living again..’
‘And in my life.. it became my shade..’